Put Out The Fire Safety Activities For Preschoolers Fine Motor Skills Montessori Worksheets (4-6 Year Olds)

Fire safety is an important lesson to teach our children. Start them young and make it fun by doing fire safety activities for preschoolers at home. To put out the fire is a simple fine motor skills Montessori activity, check out the step-by-step instructions at home.

Put Out the Fire Safety Activities for Preschoolers Fine Motor Skills Montessori Worksheets (4-6 Year Olds)

Fun Handicraft for Kids at Home, Activities for Kids Indoors, Fine Motor Skills


After the fire safety activities for preschoolers, give them worksheets to learn more about fire safety. Click the link below to download and print.

Free printable fire safety worksheets.

Download the Free Printable Worksheets

Nowadays, many parents ask themselves how to make their children more autonomous, well-behaved, organized, and even improve their focus.

Boys and girls in their early years are learning from everything that surrounds them. The simpler things for us are not for them and require a significant thinking process and motor skills, which are not easy to achieve.

Before learning numbers or letters, kids must know about themselves and the world around them. They must improve those motor skills needed to carry out day-to-day activities that represent the real world.

This will help them have orderly thoughts and develop their autonomy, self-esteem, and motricity.

During this process, children prefer to be around adults and collaborate with their tasks. Allowing children to participate in our activities will give them the chance to nourish their knowledge and develop their socio-affective skills and motor skills.

The following fire safety activity for preschoolers is based on the practical life and inspired by Montessori methodology

Put out the fire activity. Fun fire safety activities for preschoolers



Topic:  Firefighters

Age:  4 to 6 years old

Activity goal: With this fire safety activity for preschoolers, kids will strengthen their fine motor skills.

Difficulty level:  Intermediate. Kids should autonomously do this fire safety activity for preschoolers but with adult supervision.


  • Fine motor skills
  • Knowledge about firefighters
  • Autonomy
  • Independence


  • 4 plastic cups
  • Fireflamedecoration(it could be made from foamie or colored paper)
  • A water bottle
  • Atray
  • Tape
Materials Put Out the Fire Activity. Fun fire safety activities for preschoolers.


Step 1:

Previously tape the fire flames (made with foamie or colored paper) onto the cups. Put the four plastic cups on the tray (these will represent a fire). With the bottle full of water, we will put out the fire by pouring water into each cup.

put out the fire by pouring water


Put out the fire flames. Fun fire safety activities for preschoolers.

Put out the fire flames


We can do this fire safety activity with younger children. The difficulty degree must be lower.

If children cannot pour the water into the plastic cups, they could dip the plastic cups in a larger container with water as many times as they need to get the cups full of water. After that, they have to put the cups with water on the tray.


In this fire safety activity for preschoolers video, you can find the motor skill activity “LET’S PUT OUT THE FIRE” for children between 2-4 years old.

This fire safety activity was inspired by Montessori methodology’s practical life, which helps the kids develop their fine motor skills. At the same time, children strengthen their autonomy and self-esteem.

To do this fire safety activity, you will need a bottle of water, several plastic cups where you will pour the water, tape, atray, and fire flames decoration. Please note, even this is an autonomous activity, an adult must be available to help them if they need it.

Do you like our fine motor skills fire safety activities for preschoolers? Make sure to check out our other fun home activities to exercise a child’s fine motor skills.

Get adorable and fun outfits for your little ones. Check out this cute Fire Chief Kids Long-sleeves T-shirt.

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Fun fire safety activity for kids. Putting out the fire with water.
Teach kids about fire safety with this Montessori activity.