How to Make Motherhood Joyful? 3 “Don’t” for a Happy Mother

Motherhood is one of the happiest experiences that a woman can have. However, in order to make it that rainbowy you have to put some efforts.  Here are 3 “Don’t” for a happy mother:

<p><span style="font-size: 16pt;">Motherhood is one of the happiest experiences that a woman can have. However, in order to make it that rainbowy you have to put some efforts.  Here are <strong>3 “Don’t” for a happy mother</strong>:</span></p> <p> </p> <h2><strong><span style="font-size: 20pt;">How To Make Motherhood Joyful<br /></span></strong></h2> <h3><strong>1. Be ashamed to ask for help</strong></h3> <p><span style="font-size: 16pt;">Nowadays, there is a picture-perfect image of a strong and independent I-can-do-it-all mother, who manages to do everything on her own. The truth is that image is not even close to being real. A mother has so many chores and needs of her own, that she cannot physically manage without someone to help her.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 16pt;">Once or twice a week a woman needs to have some time for herself, get manicure, meet up with a friend or have a movie night.  <strong>When the mother is happy, then everyone is happy. </strong>For this reason, you should ask for help, whenever you need it.</span></p> <p><img class="alignnone wp-image-25311 size-full" src="" alt="How to Make Motherhood Joyful? 3 “Don’t” for a Happy Mother" width="750" height="1550" /></p> <h3><strong>2. Compare what you have to what others have</strong></h3> <p><span style="font-size: 16pt;">There is always a mother, who seems to be better than you, whose baby knows three languages by the age of 2 and could recite the alphabet backwards before it could even say “mama”. Unfortunately, people cannot help but lie and reveal only the good things to the public.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 16pt;">If you continue comparing your achievements to those of other people, than you and your child will be the saddest people in the neighborhood. Blame, insecurity and anxiety are a destructive force that leaves behind nothing but sadness.</span></p>

How To Make Motherhood Joyful

1. Be ashamed to ask for help

Nowadays, there is a picture-perfect image of a strong and independent I-can-do-it-all mother, who manages to do everything on her own. The truth is that image is not even close to being real. A mother has so many chores and needs of her own, that she cannot physically manage without someone to help her.

Once or twice a week a woman needs to have some time for herself, get manicure, meet up with a friend or have a movie night.  When the mother is happy, then everyone is happy. For this reason, you should ask for help, whenever you need it.

How to Make Motherhood Joyful? 3 “Don’t” for a Happy Mother

2. Compare what you have to what others have

There is always a mother, who seems to be better than you, whose baby knows three languages by the age of 2 and could recite the alphabet backwards before it could even say “mama”. Unfortunately, people cannot help but lie and reveal only the good things to the public.

If you continue comparing your achievements to those of other people, than you and your child will be the saddest people in the neighborhood. Blame, insecurity and anxiety are a destructive force that leaves behind nothing but sadness.

mother and children watching from an electronic gadget

The only line you can draw in your life is between you in the past and you now. This is the only comparison you can make. Think of your accomplishments as a mother, think of your baby. That is what really matters.

Another tips to make motherhood joyful: Never explain yourself to people (whether they are relatives or good friends) for not wanting to have a second baby right away or for not having enough time for infant swimming! Your family is your kingdom with its beliefs, schedules and possibilities and never let anyone tell you otherwise. Cherish it the way it is.

3. Try to control everything

Parenthood is an unknown realm of life, which people enter with joy but at the same time with the fear of unknown. Labor and new responsibilities bring more stress.

How to make motherhood joyful?

By nature, humans deal with fear by gaining control over the situation, so it does not seem this scary and out of hand. However, a total control poses a threat to your mental health and relationships with your loved ones.

Total control can lead to paranoia, dissatisfaction with everything your child does. A childish drawing with crooked contours can irritate you. This is the moment, when you start looking for imperfections in your child. As a result, a little one starts feeling bad about itself too.

Imperfect is the new perfect. Help your child embrace itself, feel loved and special. It will help your baby to become a strong, happy and a decent person. 

mother and son

Let kids make mistakes and understand that they are the part of life. If you push them and leave no place for mistakes, then they will spend their entire life feeling insecure and not worthy of your love. Don’t do this!

How to Make Motherhood Joyful? 3 “Don’t” for a Happy Mother

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