25 Beautiful First Time Mom Quotes

Celebrate the joy of being a first time mom. See our collection of beautiful first time mom quotes

Do you remember the first time that you find out that you’re going to be a mom? I vividly remember that wonderful experience that’s why I saved all the beautiful first time mom quotes so that I can share with you all the wonderful messages and sayings that will surely warm your heart.

Being a first time mom isn’t easy, there will be challenges that will make you question your capabilities as a mother but through inspiring mom quotes you will be reminded of the beautiful gift of being a mother to a child.

I hope that these quotes about becoming a mom for the first time will inspire you and remind you of how blessed it is to be a mother.

Let’s all take some time to read and share these motherhood quotes so that we will all remember the joys of motherhood. With these first time mom quotes let us all refresh our minds and hearts as we look into the eyes of our child and reflect and see that the motherhood journey is truly worth it.

25 First Time Mom Quotes

Have you experienced reading a quote and tell yourself that it speaks so much about what you feel? I hope you’ll love these first time mom quotes that I’m sharing with all of you and do share them with your friends.

Note: Feel free to share and use the original images and inspirational quotes below. Please give credit back to our page. Non-commercial use only.

A happy mom. Beautiful first time mom quotes

First time mom quotes #1 – “There will never be a day, like a day your baby was born.”

Sweet smell of newborn baby

#2 – “The sweet smell of a baby must be one of the best smells in the whole world.”

A child is a beautiful gift. Mom quote

#3 – “A child is the most beautiful gift this world has to give.”

Magical day of being a mom. First time mom quotes.

First time mom quotes #4 – “The most magical day of my life was the day I became a mother.”

The moment you became a mom. Mom inspiring quotes.

#5 – “From the moment I became a mother, my purpose has been to love and protect my children with everything I have.”

Happy little baby. Inspiring quotes for moms.

#6 – “How can someone so little fill so many hearts?”

Loving sleeping child with mom. Beautiful first time quotes,

#7 – “Having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most sweetest and peaceful feelings in the world.”

Mom and baby. An experience to be a mama. Quote for first time moms.

#8 – “There are many things in life that I have taken for granted, but the opportunity and ability to be a mama will never be one of them.”

A happy and proud mama with baby girl.

#9 – “Nothing in life will ever make you as happy, as sad, as exhausted, or as incredibly proud as motherhood.”

Mama with a happy baby. Quotes for first time moms.

#10 – “Mama trust yourself. You know more than you think.”

An inspiring motherhood quote.

First time mom quotes #11 – “You blink and they are toddlers. Then teens. And then they are parents, resembling the you once were. So soak it all up. Hold them in your arms as they fall asleep. Read that book they requested for the tenth time. Snuggle in tight when all they want to do is hug you – feel that small body against your own. Embrace the exhaustion. The hard days. The overwhelming. Because although at times you might go a little crazy, motherhood is an incredible journey filled with immeasurable love and happiness.”

How to be a good mother? Inspiring motherhood quote.

#12 – “It is impossible to be a perfect mother, but there are a million ways to be a good one.”

Great first time mom quotes.

#13 – “Remember when you found out you were pregnant and though ‘how am I going to do this?’ You did. Remember when you had a crying new born and though ‘how am I going to get through this?’ You did. Remember when you had a strong-willed, defiant toddler and thought ‘ how am I going to make it through? You did. When days are hard, just remember…You have. You can. You will”

Happy baby with mommy. First time mom quote.

#14 – “Having a child just puts your whole world into perspective. Everything else just disappears.”

Not perfect but loving mom. Motherhood quote

First time mom quotes #15 – “As a mama, I’m not perfect. I make mistakes. I forget things. I lose my cool. And some days I go a little crazy. But, it’s okay because in the end, no one could ever love my child the way I do.”

Happy mama with kids. An important family quote reminder.

#16 – “The family you come from is important, but the family you create is your number one priority.”

Daughter with mommy. Special first time mom quotes to encourage moms.

#17 – “I can’t promise to fix all my child’s problems, but I can promise that they will never have to face them alone.”

A mom's love is a one of a kind. First time mom quote.

#18 – “There is nothing else in the world like the love of a mother. It is a love that knows no bounds, no shame, and will crush down anything that stands in its path.”

Happy mom and daughter. Powerful love of mom quote.

#19 – “There is nothing as powerful as a mother’s love, and as healing as a child’s soul.”

Sweet kiss from mom. A loving motherhood quote

First time mom quotes #20 – “I might only carry my baby inside me for nine months, and in my arms for a few short years, but I will forever hold them in my heart no matter how big they get.”

Mom and son walking by the beach. Mom quote.

#21 – “As a mama I’m only ever going to be in 1 of 3 places. In front of my kids cheering them on, behind them to have their back, or beside them so they never have to walk alone.”

Colorful and fun happy kids. With a mom quote.

#22 – “Seeing my child happy is one of the best feelings in the world.”

A mom's biggest accomplishment. First time mom quotes.

First time mom quotes #23 – “My biggest accomplishment will never be money. It will be who I raised.”

Healthy baby with mama. A parenting quote.

#24 – “As a parent we try our best to teach our children all about life, but really they are the ones teaching us what life is all about.”

Being a mother is the greatest gift quote.

#25 – “I love being a mother. It’s the greatest gift I have ever been given.”

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Check out some funny clothing items for your little one.
