DIY Bubbles Fun Kids Science Experiments Sensorial Worksheets (4-6 Year Olds)

Make science more fun and interesting by doing fun kids’ science experiments with kids. The DIY funny bubbles sensory play activity is a science experiment that will teach kids about personal hygiene.

DIY Bubbles Fun Kids Science Experiments Sensorial Worksheets (4-6 Year Olds)

Learning Activities for Kids

We often see our children picking their noses. This is a common practice for children, and it is not surprising to see that many put their finger in their mouths after picking their noses. This corresponds to a natural stage in the development of our children.

Although they seem more of a nuisance than a help, nasal secretions fulfill a very important function for our body’s health. They prevent the air that enters through our nose from entering our lungs directly.

This is a good thing since that air is typically accompanied by particles of dust and bacteria, affecting our respiratory system. However, the accumulation of mucus in our nose can generate very painful infections such as sinusitis.

For this reason, we must be aware of the color of these secretions when our children blow their noses.

Children will learn to blow their noses no matter how long it takes them to acquire this knowledge.

During the process, which can be long or short, it is ideal that practices are provided that help them to create security and tranquility, not fear and pain. Therefore, as a suggestion, the adult needs to be patient, teach with love, and time how they should blow their noses.

During the boys’ and girls’ daily routine, implement games that can facilitate this learning. Do not forget that children learn better when they experientially approach knowledge. So, explain the step by step, and participate in the entire learning process.

Learning Activities for Kids



Topic: Blowing your nose

Sensory Activities for Kids

Age: From 4 to 6 years old.

Objective of the activity: With this fun kids science experiments activity, the children will learn how to blow their nose.

Difficulty level: This fun kids science experiments activity is designed for children to carry out by autonomously following instructions.


  • Learn how to blow your nose
  • Follow-up of instructions
  • Control of your body
  • Hygiene habits


Materials Fun Bubbles Fun Kids Science Experiments Activity
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Water
  • One container
  • Liquid soap


Step 1:

This fun kids science experiments activity should be completed on a surface that will not be easily damaged or could cause danger to children. It is possible that when you do the activity, soap and water will fall on the surface.

Take the pipe cleaner

Step 2:

Take the pipe cleaner and form the shape you want, perhaps a circle with a handle. This will be our bubbler. Put it in the container with soap and water.

form the circle of the pipe cleaner

Step 3:

Instead of blowing air through your mouth to make bubbles, you will blow air through your nose until you make multiple bubbles. Do not be discouraged if, on the first try, things do not go as you expected. Do this activity until you achieve the success of blowing bubbles by pushing air through your nose.

Next blow air through your nose. A fun kids science experiments


Fun Bubbles Activity


After doing fun kids science experiments, give kids new worksheets to learn more about blowing nose. Click the link to download and print.

After doing fun kids science experiments, give kids new worksheets to learn more about blowing nose. Click the link to download and print.

Download the Free Printable Worksheets


This fun kids science experiments activity can be developed with younger children. If they still do not have the control of their body to blow air through their nose, they can start trying to make the bubbles by blowing air through their mouth.


In this fun kids science experiments video, you will find the activity “FUN BUBBLES” designed to teach boys and girls how to blow their noses by themselves.

The fun kids science experiments activity shows how to blow bubbles with soap and water, making a homemade bubble machine that is very easy to do.
Kids Learning how to care for their body.

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Fun cool science experiment for kids on how to make DIY funny bubbles and learn about hygiene.
Creative and fun cool science experiments for preschoolers and learning about blowing nose and hygiene.