15 Best Mindfulness Books For Kids

Young parents often struggle with their kids’ inattentiveness and “big emotions.” Sometimes it is hard, but it is crucial for the child’s present-day and future life to recognize their emotions and learn how to cope with them. 

15 Best Mindfulness Books for Kids

One of the most effective strategies is to teach mindfulness through books. Before we move forward, do you know what this term means at all?

Mindfulness is defined as paying attention in a specific way: on purpose, in the current moment, and non-judgmentally. This is an excellent life-long beneficial skill that will influence many spheres of the child’s life.

Gender, age, temper, or even diagnosis does not matter when this is about mindfulness. Such skills can help all children.

Unfortunately, depression, stress, and anxiety are running through our lives all the time. And as a parent, you must teach your children to perceive the world differently; to control their feelings, thoughts, bodily sensations; and maintain the surrounding environment.

This is really huge! And the best part is that you can actually equip your child with invaluable life skills to calmly and efficiently deal with stress and emotions.

Since education occupies a significant part in the child’s formation, establishments include mindfulness in the schedule. And as practice shows, the results are awe-inspiring.

In this article, we gathered a beautiful collection of mindfulness books for kids that you will definitely love. Combine work and pleasure with involving reading at open hours.

1. Mighty Mindful Kids

This book is one of the modern bestsellers. The book is designed for the 3-10 age range and includes 40 mindfulness exercises. This is an e-book, but you can download it easily and have a printed version.

Mindfulness is a magical tool that helps kids to cope with challenging situations every day. This book contains fabulous techniques on how to practice mindfulness with your kiddo.

Mental health experts are raving about the healing results of mindfulness. And this guide is a perfect start.

To make a long story short, there are 40 different activities that you can start doing right away. Each one is illustrated and includes step-by-step instruction.

These exercises will teach the child how to calm down, fall asleep easier and wake up in a better mood, become friendly, diffuse irritation, and build strong relationships with others. 

You are doing enough planning every day. And this book will save your energy and time and allow you to enjoy practicing with your little ones every day.

15 Best Mindfulness Books for Kids

2. Mindful Kids

With “Mindful Kids,” you can turn every day into a marvelous play. The book will make ANY moment mindful from morning till night.

 Mindful Kids

There are five categories of different cards that will fit any part of the day. Such a cool variety of activities indeed.

It has 50 activities to teach your kiddo kindness, relaxation, and focus. Choose and start practice at once.

Both sides of the cards are bright and illustrated with easy step-by-step instructions for each activity. It comes with the instructional booklet where you will find tips on how to nurture the child’s strength and stamina. And it really works.

So, whenever you have some spare time during the day, do not waste it, but spend it on really useful stuff. Reading and performing the exercises will settle down any fidget. Use this activity deck before bedtime, and you will be 100% satisfied with the results.

15 Best Mindfulness Books for Kids

3. Yoga Kids

Step aside and think about the beauty of life much deeper. With “Yoga Kids,” you will not only practice mindfulness but also develop healthy habits. This book is a cool guide to do yoga with the whole family.

If you are a super busy parent, it is a great opportunity to spend some time with your kiddo. Even if you are a yoga master, you will still find exciting activities and techniques to enjoy together with your child.

The benefit of yoga is really huge. It allows the child to disengage from the distraction and connect with themselves right at home.

In “Yoga Kids,” you will find a hundred yoga exercises, meditations, breathing activities, and so much more. And the guide is written in kid-friendly language to name and mark out poses.

“Yoga Kids” is a treasure that teaches healthy ways of playing with their bodies.

15 Best Mindfulness Books for Kids

4. Big Life Journal

Get ready for a NEW BEGINNING! If your kiddo is an artistic type, do not go any further. “Big Life Journal” has everything they need to do art AND at the same time gain self-confidence, calm, and control over their feelings and emotions.

 Big Life Journal

This journal is a real motivator. Kids challenge their confidence, experience the trial and error method, accept who they are, and realize that they can do anything.

Touching instructive stories, bright illustrations, and space to write down their own thoughts will help your child develop positive thinking and strong social-emotional skills. 

Each story, writing prompt, and illustration is different on every page. Choose any page every day randomly and enjoy the process. We bet “Big Life Journal” will become the book they cannot do without.

15 Best Mindfulness Books for Kids
15 Best Mindfulness Books for Kids

5. Big Life Journal For Teenagers

The teenage years are the most complicated period in your child’s life. Everything is complicated for them: who they are, what they want from life, who they want to become, and where to move on. All these questions provoke negative emotions, aggression, and depression.

And your task as a parent is to help your child and relieve their disturbance. Of course, kids will overcome this psychological state after a while. Well, do not rely on time that much.

“Big Life Journal for Teenagers” is a perfect solution. Teens do not often like when parents interfere in their life and make decisions for them. And having this beautiful journal, you will not disturb the teen’s private space.

Just have a quick look at its benefits, and you will see that it is worth it. Tweens and teens will discover how powerful their brain is; understand that they are responsible for their own life and happiness; set a list of goals that will help them to make the right choice for the future path, and turn their negative state into a positive one, and realize what a great role they play in this world.

Wow! That’s impressive! You must definitely try it.

15 Best Mindfulness Books for Kids

6. Sitting Still Like A Frog

One more masterpiece that will improve the child’s concentration, help to cope with anxiety and bad mood. The techniques to catch mindfulness practicing are easy for 5-12-year old kids.

“Sitting Still Like A Frog” is perfect for beginners and includes a 60-minute audio CD of mindfulness exercises.

You will also find out what mindfulness means and why it is so significant to practice it. This meditation guide is a magical tool that can help your children relax, calm down, manage their anger, become more responsible, patient, and positive.

The book includes eleven useful, efficient activities that focus on stress reduction, along with some examples and jokes throughout.

If you are a visual type, there is also a colorful printable version of the book available.

So, if you would like an easy-to-understand and playful way to teach your kiddo mindfulness, “Sitting Still Like A Frog” is quite the thing.

15 Best Mindfulness Books for Kids

7. Meditation Is An Open Sky

Such cute illustrations with friendly monkeys and kind elephants, with blue sky and green grass, make this book a terrific introduction to simple mindfulness exercising. The guide is written in clear language so that kids of any age will catch the techniques fast and easily.

Children will learn how to feel safe instead of scared, calm instead of worried, and relaxed instead of frustrated. Kids will discover how to spread kindness and happiness, challenge everyday stress and improve emotional health.

Meditation Is An Open Sky

Fill the gaps of your library collection with an amazing and useful book. Your life is stressful as well, and we know that. That is why you can exercise meditation from this guide together with your child and also learn to stay mindful with all this life’s ups and downs.

15 Best Mindfulness Books for Kids

8. Breathe Like A Bear

“Breathe Like A Bear” is a beautiful guide with colorful illustrations and clear step-by-step explanations. Yes, controlling your body, thoughts, and emotions is so easy. And the best part of this mindfulness meditation is that you can perform breathing exercises anytime and anywhere, whether in the car on your way to a cafe, sitting at the school desk, or during tough homework nights. 

“Breathe Like A Bear” includes plenty of playful and interesting ideas to help your kiddos connect to themselves, develop their inner strength, find calm, gain focus, and feel energized, super active, and happy.

Kids will love this amusing exercise and want to try a new one every day. Practice it together with your little one and have fun all together. Such simple tools, but such great changes.

15 Best Mindfulness Books for Kids

9. Puppy Mind

Teach mindfulness through an amazing story! Yeah, this is one of the most efficient approaches. Illustrations are awesome.

Explanations are straightforward for kids of all ages. When you check the content, you will see how excellent this book is for learning how your mind can run around.

The storyline is fascinating and depicts how children can feel during the day. The book is about a small boy who treats his mind like a puppy who always thinks about his past and future. The main character learns to train his puppy mind to heal his present.

The boy masters this ability day by day. His mind becomes stronger, and gains control over emotions.

As practice shows, kids love the book and often ask parents to read it. Kids easily memorize it and later on will know it word for word. The book is spectacular.

15 Best Mindfulness Books for Kids

10. I Am Peace

Today’s world is full of chaos. And it is hard but so important to find peace of mind. And “I Am Peace” is one of the most efficient tools to cope with everyday stress and remain calm and happy.

This great guide will teach you how to express your thoughts through words; find empathy in your mind; connect with the universe and with your inner world; find beauty in simple things; realize how pleasant it is to breathe fresh air, eat and smell healthy food, see the world in all its manifestations; and most importantly how to live at present.

 I Am Peace

Visually the book is also lovely. The illustrations are bright and connect the whole story, and help to perceive the main idea much better. The language is simple and easy to understand and react to for young kids.

So, If you practice the concept of mindfulness regularly, this book will become an awesome tool to master the skills. And it is always cool to learn something new.

15 Best Mindfulness Books for Kids

11. Mindful Games

When it comes to children’s best way of learning, it is always about a playful approach. “Mindful Games” includes 55 activities to develop concentration, focus, and control over emotions.

This deck of games is often used by teachers to develop the child’s attention skills, but you can also practice the same at home with your little one.

The game develops the so-called A-B-C principle that stands for Attention, Balance, and Compassion. The activities are varied and aimed at the development of different skills. You will find breathing exercises, techniques to keep focus and attention, learn sensory awareness, and distinguish self-regulating emotions among others.

The deck also includes visualization games to develop goodwill; analytical games that encourage clear thinking; awareness games that give a significant insight on ourselves and relationships with others, and so much more.

Each card introduces a new game or activity. Just let your child pull out one of the cards from the magic box and let the joy begin.

15 Best Mindfulness Books for Kids

12. A Handful of Quiet

Get ready to dream BIG! Ladies and gentlemen, meet one of the best and most innovative meditation techniques – “A Handful of Quiet.” A unique peddle meditation is specially designed to engage kids into interconnections with the world through hand touches.

This technique is widely used by educators to teach mindfulness. You can also practice it at home. You will see that later on, your kids will do it on their own.

It is amazing how efficient this meditation is. As practice shows, kids learn to increase concentration, reveal stress and panic, and cope with many negative emotions like fear, anxiety, indifference, jealousy, passiveness, etc.

In fact, you can find a lot of literature for kids regarding mindfulness. And all of them are amazing, interesting, colorful, with cute animals as main characters. Well, they just tell a nice story about what to be mindful means but do not teach HOW to be mindful.

There is no accent on their own bodies in such stories. Still “A Hand of Quiet” DOES teach how to connect with yourself. Rocks, visuals, and some abstract notions are just the perfect tools to do that.

15 Best Mindfulness Books for Kids

13. My Magic Breath

You can try it now. Take a deep breath in and blow it out.

It is true. Breathing exercises can make you feel much better and happier. This excellent magical book will show you that your breath really is a miracle.

Seriously, it is so well written that it involves not only your child but you as well. After reading it, you will not be able to think about something bad.

My Magic Breath

“My Magic Breath” is a great idea to read and practice before bedtime, and a night of healthy sleep is guaranteed. And you know, here kids do not concentrate on their breathing.

Instead, WHILE BREATHING, they focus on happy and unhappy thoughts and how to cope with the overwhelming emotions that they feel. That is what makes this book so useful and special.

You will love the way you feel after breathing activities. 

15 Best Mindfulness Books for Kids

14. Listening To My Body

Listening to your body is a complicated task, isn’t it? Still, it is the key to success and inner peace.

“Listening to My Body” is a great guide that teaches to name feelings that accompany the child. Kids adore being involved in a conversation about the concept of sensations, emotions, and feelings. That is a fantastic way to start discussing with your kid what they feel inside and make them honest and open to you. 

15 Best Mindfulness Books for Kids

15. Mindfulness For Kids: 30 Fun Activities

We all have enough stress in life: household chores, work, homework, lessons, not very friendly peers/friends/coworkers, and so on. Even so, mindfulness is the main secret to keep calm and be happy.

This book is full of fun activities that children can practice together with you, friends, or individually. And they are really unlike, from breathing exercises to attentively listening to others. The practice is so various that not a single everyday challenge that kids face is left behind.

15 Best Mindfulness Books for Kids

If you have well-developed mindfulness skills, then you have a superpower to control your physical and emotional state. We all have mindfulness, but not all of us know how to use it.

This literature proves that it is so simple. Learning mindfulness through fun activities, games and stories is the easiest and most effective way for kids.

Save this article. And when the time comes, fill the gap of your home library with one of these powerful books.

15 Best Mindfulness Books for Kids

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